Everything that Trainers Need to Develop Online Interactive Courses in Health Sciences


HSeT is a non-profit organization working with a network of leading experts from all over the world to develop online training programs in health and life sciences for teaching institutions.


Training programs developed by HSeT are delivered through institution-specific websites. They can be used to augment an existing curriculum or construct a new curriculum. They can be reviewed by learners in a self-directed way or in combination with traditional face-to-face teaching.


HSeT provides Customized On Line Training (COLT) programs tailored to the needs of specific groups of learners as defined by the institutions themselves. COLT integrates novel pedagogical approaches and tools to map student’s individual progress at every step.

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Flagship programs

CAFÉ-S is a program launched in partnership between HSeT and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Geneva to help  students fill in their gap in mathematics. Read more...


The IMVACC program, a Master of Advanced Studies in Vaccinology, was introduced by the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 2016 and concluded in 2024.  Since its inception in 2016, the Master's program has enrolled a total of 39 student, of with 33 have successfully completed and defended their master's theses.

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Courses open for registration

CAS Biobanking mettre ceci: The first module for beginners started on January 13 2025 at 1:30 PM with 22 participants. Module 2, Implementation of a Biobank and Module 3, Professional Management of a Biobank start on April 7 and August 25 2025 and are now open for registration. Read more...